

麦种传道会的存在,是要宣扬耶稣基督的福音在所有生活中的中心地位,藉以辅助各地教会的工作。 我们提供基督徒出版品,在各地举办圣经培训课程,建造由同心让基督居首位的个人组成群体。
The A Kernel of Wheat Christian Ministries exists to complement the work of the local church by promoting the centrality of the Gosp el of Jesus Christ in all of life. We provide Christian literatures, put on regional Biblical Seminars, and are building a community of like-minded individuals around the supremacy of Christ.

麦种传道会是由美国国税局核准设立的宗教性非营利组织,其经济仰望神借着麦种之友供应。 如果您赞同我们的异象,喜欢我们的事奉,恳请您为我们祷告,并且祷告寻求借着财物奉献与我们同工。
As an IRS-registered 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit organization, The A Kernel of Wheat Christian Ministries relies on the financial gifts of our friends. If you support our vision and appreciate our ministry, please consider partnering with us through prayerful giving.

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